We have been created to devote every part of our life to Jesus. Here are some ways we can grow this year:
Fasting is denying a particular activity over a specific period of time for a spiritual purpose.
Types of fasting:
Partial Fast: A partial fast means fasting food during a specific time of the day. This is a great starting place if you’ve never fasted before. Choose one meal a day and take the time you’d prepare your food and eat your food and devote that to prayer.
Full fast/liquids only: Consume only liquids during your fast. Try starting a fast after dinner at night and not eating until dinner the next day.
Vegetarian/Daniel Fast: This is based on the fast of Daniel and his friends as recorded in Daniel 1:11-16. Don’t eat meat, sweets, or breads. Drink water and juice. Eat fruits and vegetables.
Fasting as a family? Here are some tips:
Remember, a main theme of your fast should be a reprioritization of time and the creating of space for worship, Bible study, and prayer.
Discuss and decide ahead of time with your whole family what the plan is. Maybe the entire family participates together or parents and older kids choose something different from younger kids. Let everyone weigh in and commit together to the plan!