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Pray 2025
7:00 AM07:00

Pray 2025

Starting April 3, the Chapel will be open every Thursday for an hour of prayer over the vision for Sound Life Church and the communities around us. Join us each week from 7–8 AM as we seek God’s guidance and pray for greater flourishing in Pierce County.

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Good Friday
5:30 PM17:30

Good Friday

Join us for a special Good Friday Family Service as we reflect on the sacrifice of our Savior and the love He displayed on the cross. During this service, you can expect worship, a biblical message, and communion as families.

Kids are invited to join their families for this meaningful time of remembrance. We look forward to gathering with you as we prepare our hearts for Easter!


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Easter Sunday
8:30 AM08:30

Easter Sunday

Celebrate Easter at Sound Life Church!

Join us for a joy-filled Easter service! Experience powerful worship, a biblical message, and a time to honor our risen King together. Kids will enjoy ministry designed just for them at Peepapalooza! You can make memories after service at the petting zoo and take a family photo, plus everyone leaves with a free Fisher scone!



Frederickson Service options:

  • Auditorium—Modern worship with the teaching pastor delivering the message live.

  • Chapel—Modern worship with an acoustic-style band featuring the same great message on a large screen.

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Alpha (Frederickson Campus)
12:00 PM12:00

Alpha (Frederickson Campus)

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions, exploring the basics of the Christian faith and tackling the core questions of life from a Christian perspective, while also having the opportunity to unpack these ideas with others. Each week we have food, listen to a video talk, and have time for discussion. Conversations are authentic, everyone is welcome, can ask tough questions and share honestly. Come connect with others and with God. Try Alpha!

We will meet weekly from 12-1:30 PM on Sundays in the Chapel.

Have kids? Kids ministry is available!

  • Nursery and preschool classrooms for kids 3 months-5 years.

  • K-5th graders have service in the Next Gen Auditorium.

  • 6th-12th graders are invited to service in the Auditorium. Join us in the Students section on the front left side!

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Foster Care Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Foster Care Prayer Night

One of the ways we can make an impact on the community around us and support our local foster families is through prayer!

You are invited to a night of prayer over Olive Crest, our local foster families, and children experiencing crisis in our communities. We will come together in the chapel of the Frederickson campus for an hour of corporate prayer from 7:00-8:00 PM and we would love to see you there!

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Membership Class (Frederickson Campus)
8:30 AM08:30

Membership Class (Frederickson Campus)

A community is built on those who take responsibility for it. At Sound Life, that’s what membership is all about! If you’ve been a part of SLC for at least six months and are willing to share the responsibility for our church and community, please join us! At Membership Class, you'll discover what it means to be a ministry partner at SLC.

The class is from 8:30 - 12:00 PM and breakfast is provided.

Children’s ministry is available by registration* only for kids ages 6 months to 5th graders. Space is limited.

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Alpha Weekend
to Mar 8

Alpha Weekend

Alpha Weekend is an extension of the Alpha series we have been doing each week at our Frederickson campus. Those who have participated in one of our past Alpha sessions are also welcome to join us! This weekend will be similar to our weekly meetings and will be focused on the topic of the Holy Spirit. 

There will be a session on Friday MARCH 7 from 6-8pm where dinner will be provided as well as multiple sessions on Saturday MARCH 8 from 8:30am-3:00pm with breakfast and lunch provided. 

Meals will also be provided for children in our childcare spaces. We are looking forward to this time where we will be learning about and seeking out the Holy Spirit. We cant wait, and we would love for you to be there!

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Vision Night
6:30 PM18:30

Vision Night

Vision Night is our once a year gathering of all of our campuses to celebrate the past year of ministry as an organization. This year our members will be voting on bylaws and electing deacons. We will also hear important vision for the next year of ministry. This is our annual business meeting for members, but anyone who calls SLC their home church is welcome. Come early and enjoy pizza and salad with your church family!

Please RSVP so we can plan for you.

5:30 PM - Member check-in begins, dinner available
6:15 PM - Kids check-in opens
6:30 PM - Meeting begins

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Child Dedications
8:30 AM08:30

Child Dedications

Child Dedications serve as a public commitment from the child's parents to the Lord and your church family to live fully devoted to Jesus. This commitment is to raise your children in such a way that they would follow the way of Jesus through teaching them the word of God, to love the presence of God, and to be a part of the church family.

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All Church Superbowl Party
3:00 PM15:00

All Church Superbowl Party

Join us for a family-friendly Super Bowl party! There will be raffle prizes, a delicious nacho bar, table games in the Lobby, and fun for the whole family. Our halftime show includes testimonies of how God has transformed lives at our church. Even if you don’t enjoy football—you’re invited! 

Sound Life Students and our 6 PM service will not have our normal gatherings. Instead, join the fun as we connect as a church family!

The party starts at 3PM at the Frederickson Campus.

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Alpha (Frederickson Campus)
12:00 PM12:00

Alpha (Frederickson Campus)

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions, exploring the basics of the Christian faith and tackling the core questions of life from a Christian perspective, while also having the opportunity to unpack these ideas with others. Each week we have food, listen to a video talk, and have time for discussion. Conversations are authentic, everyone is welcome, can ask tough questions and share honestly. Come connect with others and with God. Try Alpha!

We will meet weekly from 12:00-1:30 PM on Sundays in the Chapel.

Have kids? Kids ministry is available!

  • Nursery and preschool classrooms for kids 3 months-5 years.

  • K-5th graders have service in the Next Gen Auditorium.

  • 6th-12th graders are invited to service in the Auditorium. Join us in the Students section on the front left side!

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21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
to Jan 26

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Join us as we kick off the new year by renewing our devotion to Jesus through 21 days of prayer and fasting.

Pray daily with a special emphasis using the prayer guide. The Chapel at the Frederickson Campus will be open for an hour of prayer, directed by one of our pastors, Monday through Saturday at 7 AM, 12 PM, and 7 PM.

We are encouraging everyone to participate a “Daniel” fast (abstaining from animal products and drinks other than water or tea) as well as logging off from social media.

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Thanksgiving Services
8:30 AM08:30

Thanksgiving Services

Thanksgiving Service is full of family moments! Baptisms, child and family dedications, worship, and testimonies of God's faithfulness will leave you feeling encouraged and grateful for all God is doing in our church family.

Frederickson Service times: 8:30 am, 10:15 am, 12 pm & 6 pm
Orting Valley Service time: 10:30 am
Eatonville Service time: 10:30 am

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Child Dedications
8:30 AM08:30

Child Dedications

Child Dedications serve as a public commitment from the child's parents to the Lord and your church family to live fully devoted to Jesus. This commitment is to raise your children in such a way that they would follow the way of Jesus through teaching them the word of God, to love the presence of God, and to be a part of the church family.

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Membership Class - Frederickson Campus
8:30 AM08:30

Membership Class - Frederickson Campus

A community is built on those who take responsibility for it. At Sound Life, that’s what membership is all about! If you’ve been a part of SLC for at least six months and are willing to share the responsibility for our church and community, please join us! At Membership Class, you'll discover what it means to be a ministry partner at SLC.

The class is from 8:30 - 12:00 PM and breakfast is provided.

Children’s ministry is available by registration* only for kids ages 6 months to 5th graders. Space is limited.

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Alpha Weekend
to Nov 2

Alpha Weekend

Alpha Weekend is an extension of the Alpha series we have been doing each week at our Frederickson campus. Those who have participated in one of our past Alpha sessions are also welcome to join us! This weekend will be similar to our weekly meetings and will be focused on the topic of the Holy Spirit. 

There will be a session on Friday November 1 from 6-8pm where dinner will be provided as well as multiple sessions on Saturday November 2 from 8:30am-3:00pm with breakfast and lunch provided. 

Meals will also be provided for children in our childcare spaces. We are looking forward to this time where we will be learning about and seeking out the Holy Spirit. We cant wait, and we would love for you to be there!

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Alpha (Frederickson Campus)
7:00 PM19:00

Alpha (Frederickson Campus)

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions, exploring the basics of the Christian faith and tackling the core questions of life from a Christian perspective, while also having the opportunity to unpack these ideas with others. Each week we have food, listen to a video talk, and have time for discussion. Conversations are authentic, everyone is welcome, can ask tough questions and share honestly. Come connect with others and with God. Try Alpha!

We will meet weekly from 7:00-8:30 PM on Wednesdays.

Have kids? We have a place for them!

  • Childcare 3 months-5 years is available by registering for Alpha. 

  • K-5th graders are invited to Mpact and Rangers groups: Register here! 

  • 6th-12th graders are invited to Sound Life Students service in the Auditorium where they will have their own service with live worship band, Biblical teaching, small groups, and more! There is no sign-up required.

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Pursuit Night
7:00 PM19:00

Pursuit Night

Join us as we express our devotion to Jesus! Come to the Frederickson Campus, on Wednesday, September 4 at 7 PM for this special night for extended worship and prayer.

Elementary-aged kids will have their own worship experience in the Kids Auditorium. Childcare for children under 5 is available in the Nursery by registration only.

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Kick Off Party
8:30 AM08:30

Kick Off Party

Join us as we kick off the fall ministry season at Sound Life! Make plans to stay after service for a tailgate party with fun for the whole family including inflatables, cornhole, and a gourmet hot dog bar. We’ll also have a special time of prayer with teachers, students, and parents for the new school year. See you there!

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Child Dedications
8:30 AM08:30

Child Dedications

Child Dedications serve as a public commitment from the child's parents to the Lord and your church family to live fully devoted to Jesus. This commitment is to raise your children in such a way that they would follow the way of Jesus through teaching them the word of God, to love the presence of God, and to be a part of the church family.

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Summer BBQ Groups
6:00 PM18:00

Summer BBQ Groups

Connect over the summer! Families are hosting BBQ groups at their homes, and YOU are invited. Let us know which dates work for you and we will match you with a host! Times will vary based on the hosts plan.

Meals are potluck family-style, so we ask everyone to bring a food item. The host will communicate with you the week of the dinner to plan the menu and give you any other details you may need.

Please sign up for every member of your family who will be attending.

Weekend One:
Friday, July 26
Saturday, July 27

Weekend Two:
Friday, August 2 
Saturday, August 3 

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Father's Day
8:30 AM08:30

Father's Day

You're invited to spend Father's Day at Sound Life Church, on June 16! Every dad will enjoy pulled pork sliders and be entered to win a Blackstone Griddle. Plus a Bible-based message that will encourage you as you raise up the next generation!

Frederickson Campus | 8:30 AM, 10:15 AM, 12 PM & 6 PM
Orting Valley Campus | 10:30 AM
Eatonville Campus | 10:30 AM

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Child & Family Dedication
8:30 AM08:30

Child & Family Dedication

Baby Dedications serve as a public commitment from the child's parents to the Lord and your church family to live fully devoted to Jesus. This commitment is to raise your children in such a way that they would follow the way of Jesus through teaching them the word of God, to love the presence of God, and to be a part of the church family.

If you are ready to make this commitment, fill out the application below and we will get back to you with further details.

The next opportunity is Sunday, June 2 at the Frederickson Campus.

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Membership Class
8:30 AM08:30

Membership Class

Community is built on those who take responsibility for it. At Sound Life, that’s what membership is all about! If you’ve been a part of SLC for at least six months and you’re willing to share the responsibility for our church and community, then please join us! At this Membership Class you'll find out what it means to be a ministry partner at SLC.

We will begin with Breakfast at 8:30am and then come together for membership class from 9am-12pm. 

Childcare (Ages 3 months- 5 years):
Breakfast will be provided, then kids age 0-5 will engage in fun activities at the Frederickson campus.

Childcare (Grades K-5th):
Breakfast will be provided, then kids in grades K-5 will leave for a field trip with members of our Sound Life Kids Team.
They will need to bring a sack lunch and have a completed permission form.

The membership class ends at Noon, but the Elementary kids will not return to the Frederickson campus until 2:45pm- please plan to return for pick up.

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Mother's Day "Moms Rock!"
8:30 AM08:30

Mother's Day "Moms Rock!"

Join us on Sunday, May 12 as we celebrate God’s design for motherhood—Mom’s ROCK! Invite your mom, or a woman who has had that role in your life. Every woman will leave with something special, and be entered to win a spa gift card!

8:30 AM + 10:15 AM + 12 PM + 6 PM

10:30 AM

10:30 AM

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